
Message Series

Friday, January 20, 2012

The Gospel

Today I am reminded of the reason why I have come to "believe" in the Gospel as written in the bible and preached by people who really aren't that much different than you and me. And this can be summed up in these two verses from the New Testament.

Matthew who wrote one of the gospels recorded that Jesus of Nazareth said in one of his teachings:

"By their fruit you will recognize them." as he recorded the first public teachings of Jesus (Matthew Chapter 7).

Back in 1999, for one reason or another, I went to a Mid-week worship service in a small Christian (Non-denominational) church where a young pastor was teaching God's Word from the bible.

Back then, I didn't even know what a Midweek Service is, much less a Worship Service. Until that time, all I know or is well familiar with is the Liturgical Service or the Liturgical Mass.

But in that one service, everything I know about the bible, or the God of the bible all came together. Before that I had so many questions about God, and faith and everything spiritual or the unseen.

Today I still have a lot of questions but that night, some of them have been given answers. It was as if I finally saw a glimpse of the picture in a puzzle that I have been putting together which until today I am still putting together.

The second verse was written by Paul in his letter recorded in Galatians Chapter 5:

"... the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control."

So I guess it is obvious to many that we have seen, we have heard many teachers of the Word of God before. But have you ever noticed their "fruits"? I mean have we
contemplated on how they go about their daily living?

Do they have love for other ? Do they have inner peace? Do they have patience?

Do they have kindness, goodness, faithfulness and gentleness?

And more importantly, do they have self-control?

When I saw all that on people, not much different than me, that year back in 1999, many many years ago, withnessing it since I came back to that little church almost daily for a few years since that faithful night... I guess Matthew 7:16 (by their fruit you will know them) just came totally alive, tangible and all too real to me.

If sinners (like you and me) can be changed by this Gospel or this man we call Jesus, then  maybe, just maybe the God as written in the bible is real too.

And who is to say that that same God is not merely waiting for us to find out for ourselves.

Will you?

Listen to the Gospel according to John here.

Photo credit: Jesus Sits by the Seashore and Preaches, Brooklyn Musuem. Wikimedia Commons

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