Thanksgiving Tuesday
"Everything God created is good. Nothing should be rejected if it is received with prayers of thanks. God’s word and prayer set it apart as holy." 1 Timothy 4:4-5
This is the very reason that we pray for every little thing we have and do.
Think about it, we pray for our food everytime we partake of them. Not only because it is practical to do so, as we do not know where it came from or where it has been, if it was genetically modified, if it was offered to whatever god, or if anybody sloppy prepared it.
But more importantly because we give a prayer of thanks to our Lord for the blessings He has given us which we are about to enjoy, and yes even if we really do not care for what is in front us. Hard to imagine, but we could have been born in a third-world or a war-torn country and we could be eating scraps. And just for that, we should be grateful.
And it is good that we start teaching this at an early age, so it becomes a habit early enough for the next generation as this will surely save them from a lot of grief during the times when they themselves may not have enough to eat or if they need to eat broccoli, spinach, beans, sprouts, okra, beets, liver, a foul smelling fish or anything they particularly aren't fond of.
The Lord is teaching us to be thankful at all times, in times of abundance and in times of lack. Our circumstances do not define us, our God does. He is our Abba Father, He is in control, He loves us and He cares for us, and He will never leave or forsake us. All we need to do is to listen, obey and trust Him.
So thank you Lord for doing the heavy lifting, all that is left for us to pick up the little pieces you left for us to do. And I think we could manage that. You know we can.
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