Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Song For the Broken hearted

Do Not Be Afraid

Isaiah 35:4 says: "Say to those who are fearful-hearted,
“Be strong, do not fear!
Behold, your God will come with vengeance,
With the recompense of God;
He will come and save you.”

Someone said that Scriptures
record over 365 different times, our God is reminding us to fear not or be not afraid.

Why is that? I would venture to guess that because everyday of the year, we might just be afraid of one thing or another. And so, if we would read just one verse that says "do not be afraid", we just might be reminded, and convinced not to.

Today, I would want us to remember as well that singing worship music is not just singing. For one, when we do sing them, the Holy Spirit joins with us. In fact, the book of psalms say, He lives in these songs.

Also, when we listen to, and better yet, every time we actually sing worship songs we are reminding ourselves (our worried hearts, our tired and aching bodies, our preoccupied minds and our troubled and weary souls) and are also "reminding" our Lord of the promises He has made to us. And of course, Scriptures do say His Word will not return void (Isaiah 55).

Jesus did not promise us a life free from trials and tribulations, in fact quite the opposite. John 16:33, He said "In this world you will have trouble.But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

And indeed, He did overcome. Now, so will us. So in those days that we are fearful, in those times that we are broken hearted, helpless, powerless, hopeless and ready to give up, remember our Advocate is always pointing us to Jesus. Look up. Reread His Word for our sake. And as we've already said, sing it. Better yet, in the good and the best of times, sing to Him all the more.

This season when we pause and remember, the passion of Christ, allow our spirit to really get in tune with the Holy Spirit. Let us let go of all the things that drag us down, especially the things that we do not have any control over. You know, who is really in control? Yes, Him who is able to do exceedingly more than we can ever imagine -- the Creator of heaven and earth. And it doesn't matter what style of worship song you are accustomed to or if you really ever have worshipped our God with a song. What matters is that, if the Holy Spirit is ever so slightly nudging you to do so... then like Nike says -- just do it. Let go, sing!


When I first accepted the Lord, me and my ex girlfriend (now wife and mother of our child), just couldn't stop singing songs of praise and worship to Him who died in our place, and it doesn't matter if the songs were old or contemporary, they were all new to me. And we even started singing "new" songs, or songs that we were singing for the first and probably last time, as the words to them were just coming out, dropped in our spirits by the presence of the Holy Spirit.

This morning, I woke up at 4 am, and this old song came to mind, one that was contemporary back when I first accepted the Lord. And yes, it is just like reading Isaiah 35. Only better, I was also singing it. And singing it unto the Lord.

(And I don't think anyone else except the Lord would wake me up to remind me of a song about Him, particularly not our adversary, I am pretty sure he would hate that)

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