Sunday, November 25, 2018

Salty or Saltiness

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot." Matthew 5:13

Jesus said on the Sermon on the Mount that we are the salt of the world.

His intention for this comparison is not really that totally clear. And that is why so many theologians have given their own take on this topic.

I will not add anymore, except to say that, I am not sure if salt can really lose its saltiness.

Now if it ever does, Jesus said it is only good for one thing and that is to be thrown out and trampled on. And you know what? We still do that today. We throw salt on icy sidewalks, walkways and driveways or any snowed in pathway or roadway. Why? So that we can pass through them. And guess what, those salt that seemingly are useless are in fact still very much useful, in fact it makes people's lives better, it keeps people safe and it help save lives.

Remember Jesus said that we are salt. And His main idea though is as salt, we have lots of use in this world, and so we should use that usefulness for the advancement of God's Kingdom.

Now, what we shouldn't ever be, would be "salty" nor lose our saltiness. And as salt, we should make eveything taste or become better and we should preserve whatever good that should be preserved. Also like salt inside a salt shaker, we should always be available so that when someone needs us, we are right there. So even though we seem small or simple, insignificant or so common, we are in fact an indispensable ingredient to a good life. So be salt, not salty.

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