Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Praying and Fasting

"Anna, a prophet, was also there in the Temple. She was the daughter of Phanuel from the tribe of Asher, and she was very old. Her husband died when they had been married only seven years. Then she lived as a widow to the age of eighty-four. She never left the Temple but stayed there day and night, worshiping God with fasting and prayer. She came along just as Simeon was talking with Mary and Joseph, and she began praising God. She talked about the child to everyone who had been waiting expectantly for God to rescue Jerusalem."
Luke 2:36-38

Chapter 2 of Luke is the treasure trove for anyone wanting to delve into the life of Jesus when he was young. It records details of His birth, His circumcision, His dedication (or confirmation) and Him being lost for three days and found at the temple when He was 12 years old.

Easy to put off two characters in the chapter who were recorded to have been always hanging out in the temple, worshipping the Lord -- Simeon, and Anna, a prophetess. Both were advanced in years and have been hoping to see the prophesied messiah. And the Lord came to the temple and was seen by Anna who was fasting and praying for that very moment.

This is one thing the bible clearly shows us, that many of the things people pray for was fulfilled when they fasted and they prayed and they waited, as we can see one example from the life of both Simeon and Anna. Hopefully we do not have to wait that long. (Easy way. Hard way.)

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