Thursday, March 28, 2019

Leadership Lesson #1

Self-Appointed Experts on Life

"On my way to the province of Macedonia, I advised you to stay in Ephesus. Well, I haven’t changed my mind. Stay right there on top of things so that the teaching stays on track. Apparently some people have been introducing fantasy stories and fanciful family trees that digress into silliness instead of pulling the people back into the center, deepening faith and obedience.

The whole point of what we’re urging is simply love—love uncontaminated by self-interest and counterfeit faith, a life open to God. Those who fail to keep to this point soon wander off into cul-de-sacs of gossip. They set themselves up as experts on religious issues, but haven’t the remotest idea of what they’re holding forth with such imposing eloquence.

It’s true that moral guidance and counsel need to be given, but the way you say it and to whom you say it are as important as what you say. It’s obvious, isn’t it, that the law code isn’t primarily for people who live responsibly, but for the irresponsible, who defy all authority, riding roughshod over God, life, sex, truth, whatever! They are contemptuous of this great Message I’ve been put in charge of by this great God.

I’m so grateful to Christ Jesus for making me adequate to do this work. He went out on a limb, you know, in trusting me with this ministry. The only credentials I brought to it were invective and witch hunts and arrogance. But I was treated mercifully because I didn’t know what I was doing—didn’t know Who I was doing it against! Grace mixed with faith and love poured over me and into me. And all because of Jesus.

Here’s a word you can take to heart and depend on: Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners. I’m proof—Public Sinner Number One—of someone who could never have made it apart from sheer mercy. And now he shows me off—evidence of his endless patience—to those who are right on the edge of trusting him forever.

Deep honor and bright glory
    to the King of All Time—
One God, Immortal, Invisible,
    ever and always. Oh, yes!

I’m passing this work on to you, my son Timothy. The prophetic word that was directed to you prepared us for this. All those prayers are coming together now so you will do this well, fearless in your struggle, keeping a firm grip on your faith and on yourself. After all, this is a fight we’re in.

There are some, you know, who by relaxing their grip and thinking anything goes have made a thorough mess of their faith. Hymenaeus and Alexander are two of them. I let them wander off to Satan to be taught a lesson or two about not blaspheming."
1 Timothy 1:3-20 MSG

Apostle Paul wrote this "instructional" letter during the last years of his life.

This letter along with the second letter to Timothy and the letter to Titus are deemed to be the "Pastoral Epistles" as they contain both pastoral and practical advice from Paul.

Timothy at the time was the young pastor at the church at Ephesus.

It may be old but the practical lessons and the truths in these letters are still among the most important lessons one should take to heart if one is in or planning to be in ministry.

Scriptures say to whom much is given, much is expected. And also to rejoice not because evil spirits submit to you but instead rejoice because your name is written in heaven.

Church Leadership

Ministry work, especially ministry leadership work is subject to constant attack from the enemy, who has no other goal but to put you down. All they need is just a little foothold and if you allow it, it would be like placing one bad egg inside a basket full of eggs, to which soon enough will make the whole basket bad.

From the passage above, there are at least 10 points that Paul made to Timothy, which of course are applicable to any ministry leader today. They are:

1) Stay leading and pastoring the church you are in.

2) Keep on teaching your flock.

3) Stay away if not counter wrong teaching or doctrine.

4) Teach solely on LOVE with LOVE for LOVE and because of LOVE.

5) Guard against things, activities, people and influences that will take you out of your main teaching -- God's love.

6) Guidance and counsel although part of things you might do, are given out but with special care. Be very careful on what you say and to whom you say it to.

7) The LAW was given for law breakers and for them to see that they are lawless and couldn't be able to save themselves (apart from Jesus).

8) We owe everything to Jesus. We are not worthy of anything but because of our heavenly Father's great love and mercy, we were saved, set apart and made righteous, not because of who we are, or what we know, what we do or have done. No, nothing is about us. It is all about Jesus.

9) Ministry work has been passed on to you from your leader, teacher, mentor, pastor, and the Lord.

10) Wandering away from God or from these points, would mean being taught a lesson.

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