Thursday, January 19, 2017

All is Good

"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good..." Joseph, favorite son of Jacob, speaking to his brothers who sold him to slave traders.

In the Old Testament, there are a few people who foreshadowed the life of Jesus. Joseph is one of them. I've always loved the story of Joseph and how his naivete, his tactless statements and the hatred of his envious brothers set into motion a series of events which led him to live a life of harm and suffering. 

What is amazing is that even for us followers of Christ today, there will be people around us, even those who are close to us who will do things that is meant to harm us. But if we face life like Joseph, we too will find out in due time, that what they meant for harm, our heavenly Father intended for good -- very much like what many people have done to Jesus. The harm they did to Him, God meant for the good of all of us. But, I know like with Jesus, there may be days that things will be really bad, (or it may be one bad thing after another), so much so that we may be just about ready to give up (and cry tears of blood). But I say, hang on. All is going to be good, just wait on the Lord and you'll soon see the beauty for the ashes.

Today, when you are feeling down, read Joseph's story in Genesis 37 to 50 and let the Lord show you His truth, and reveal wisdom and faith nuggets to get you through your darkest valleys.  

Remember, whatever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger and smarter; whatever you fear makes you to practice courage, whatever you hate makes you share God's unconditional love, whatever makes you blow your top makes you to practice forgiveness, whatever pesters you makes you to practice patience, whoever leaves you in the dust makes you stand up and persevere, whatever you don't understand makes you to trust in God, and whatever makes no sense and makes you want to quit teaches you to let go and let God -- praise Him, no matter what, He is worthy. God is the source of your strength and no one else.

God is working for us behind the scenes and He is always there when we need Him -- the bad thing is that we don't call on Him enough as we try to muscle through life on our own strength and wisdom.

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