Friday, February 24, 2017

God's Grace - Receive it Today

"Though He scoffs at the scoffers and scorns the scorners, yet He gives His undeserved favor to the low [in rank], the humble, and the afflicted" Proverbs 3:34 AMPC

A few proverbs a day is a recommended daily read, for a few of these truths will keep the blues away. In fact, the whole of Proverbs chapter 3 by itself is so full of wisdom and insight, one can read through it everyday and get something new each day for many years.

Proverbs 3:34, reminds us that God opposes the proud and instead gives grace (His unmerited favor) to the humble and the afflicted.

Both Peter and James wrote about the same thing (in 1 Peter 5:5 and James 4:6).

All three is written to remind us about this simple truth. But the real issue is that it is not easy to humble ourselves and worse when we are suffering and afflicted it is even harder still. Our Heavenly Father from time to time allows circumstances in our lives to cause us to be afflicted. And no one among us is immune to that. These trying times are meant to bring us back to Him and bring a revival.

Oftentimes, He allows affliction because of our innate stubborn human nature and proud, "I can do it" attitude, it is the only way for us to be humble and to receive God's favor, that we desperately need.

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